Graduate Nurse & Midwifery Programmes

The Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Program at CGH is specifically designed for those who have completed a double degree Nursing and Midwifery course, and in 2025 CGH will be taking up to 2 positions in this program. We will also be offering 2 positions for Graduate Midwifery Single Entry.

Within both of these streams, we aim to develop confident and competent midwives with clinical exposure given across both general nursing and midwifery areas. Our health service is able to offer Graduates access to our level 4 neonatal newborn service and level 3 maternity service.

Each double degree Nursing/Midwifery Graduate and single-entry Graduate Midwifery is valued and provided with opportunities to build and consolidate their clinical capabilities though exposure to our:
– Birthing Suites
– Special Care Nursery
– Paediatrics
– Obstetrics & Gynaecology
– General ward patients
– Post operative patients

In conjunction to this, your 12-month Graduate Nursing/ Midwifery Program will include:

  • Your choice of 0.8 EFT or 1.0 EFT
  • A GNMP Coordinator designated to the wellbeing and success of Graduates at Central Gippsland Health
  • A 12 Month supported program (February – February)
  • Paid annual leave
  • Paid study days (throughout the course of the year)
  • 2 x days of extensive organisational orientation
  • Study days that will cover general and midwifery content such as FSEP, PROMPT, NNR and Mid Skills.
  • Free uniforms
  • Paid supernumerary days in each new rotation
  • Clinical support with a team of highly experienced educators and preceptors
  • An online learning program on Moodle specifically set up for the GNMP
  • A certificate and badge upon completion of the program
  • Free car parking
  • Salary packaging
  • Free Wi-Fi and MIMS app
  • 24/7 swipe card access to the CGH library with expert help being offered by Librarian
  • The opportunity to join an active social club
  • Access to the CGH staff wellness programs


Click here to access Application & Interviews support.


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