Community Participation
Consumer, carer and community participation is achieved through a number of key consumer engagement strategies, and the support of a Consumer Advocate, to improve and provide services that best meet the needs of the community.
There are two Community Networks within Central Gippsland Health. The Community Liaison Committee and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Network. All consumer groups are chaired by community members and meetings are attended by Executive members of the health service. The functions of each of these networks are contained in the tabs below.
It is important to us that we have community input into health related issues. Understanding that people’s time can be limited, we have created a Consumer Opinion Register so that community members and consumers can register their interest by providing comments, suggestions or feedback against a number of health related topics. Please click on the Consumer Opinion Register tab below to learn more.
In addition to an overview of our Community Networks, there is a tab titled Patient Feedback where you can provide feedback about your experience at Central Gippsland Health.