Vision, Mission & Values
The Mission of Heyfield Hospital is to add value to our community by providing high quality, flexible health and aged care services tailored to meet our community’s needs.
In doing so we will:
- Attract, retain and continue to develop a vibrant and dynamic workforce, capable of meeting our service needs within a framework of mutual obligation;
- Achieve financial independence and long term sustainability;
- Provide very high quality services that not only meet, but exceed, external quality accreditation standards; and
- Develop innovative, exciting and relevant service delivery models that both embrace and take advantage of regional partnerships, collaborative service delivery programs and funding opportunities.
To achieve our mission we have identified four interdependent priority areas.
Service delivery is the first priority area. This area relates to what service we will provide to meet the current and changing needs of our community and the values that will underpin service delivery and service access priorities.
The second priority area is stakeholder relationships and service delivery partnerships. Clearly a crucially important area for Heyfield Hospital due to our management agreement with CGH is the importance of providing public health services on behalf of CGH and the potential for us to do more in this area.
The third priority area is organizational structure and workforce development. It is strategically important that we determine and implement an effective and locally desirable governance and management structure, capable of meeting the strategic objectives of the agency, implement a service delivery capability approach to workforce development and achieve long term sustainability and self-determination: being the fourth priority area.
Our Vision is that Heyfield Hospital will provide high quality services that respond to the needs of the community. We understand and embrace the belief that Heyfield Hospital is a community asset, capable of supporting a thriving rural community.
In stabilizing and possibly growing this community asset we will:
- Value our independence and maintain our capacity to be self-determining;
- Act with honesty, transparency and integrity;
- Strive to achieve excellence in the quality of services we provide and place the community, our clients and our patients at the centre of what we do;
- Be supportive and socially just in the way we provide services; and
- Demonstrate through respect and mutual obligation the way we value our people.