Central Gippsland Health (CGH) has farewelled four of its board members who have contributed a combined 26 years to supporting the work of the health service.

Jim Vivian and Abbas Khambati both served the maximum term of nine years on the board with Glenys Butler serving six years and Helen McConachy two years.

Board Chair, Arthur Skipitaris, paid tribute to the four retiring members who he said assisted in providing robust governance and strategic oversight to ensure CGH remained aligned with its mission and vision.

Mr Vivian served as Vice Chair from December 2018 until appointed Chair in December 2021, leading the board until December 2023. Serving on various sub-committees, he was involved in major CGH initiatives including development of a new Strategic Plan and the 10-Year Health Plan.

Mr Vivian headed the board during the COVID-19 pandemic, was instrumental in the establishment of the Tri-Board Memorandum of Understanding between the CGHS, Heyfield and Stretton Park Boards, and oversaw major capital works including the expansion of the Oncology Unit, the Medical Ward redevelopment, the significant refurbishment of Wilson Lodge, the installation of solar panels and the development of the staff accommodation units.

Mr Khambati also served on numerous sub-committees and contributed to many initiatives including the appointment of the new Chief Executive Officer.

Ms Butler’s sub-committee roles included the Community Liaison Committee and Quality and Safety Committee while Ms McConachy served on the People and Remuneration Committee.

The CGH Board has welcomed three new directors – Trevor Goldstone, Adam Koster and Luis Prado.

A part-time independent consultant and advisor since April 2023, Mr Goldstone has held numerous senior and executive level roles with Australia Education Management Group, University of New England, James Cook University, Townsville Enterprise and others. He holds a graduate diploma in Management, and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Recreation Planning and Management).

Mr Koster, who is also a Board Director with the Yarram and District Health Service, works with Alex Scott Land in a general counsel role, working as both in-house lawyer and sales executive within the company’s transactions and advisory team. He holds a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Master of Laws from Monash University, and a Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate).

Mr Prado is the Chief Medical Officer and Executive Director of Academic and Medical Services at St John of God Healthcare. Since early 2020, he has been the Epworth COVID Pandemic Commander and led the organisational response across the largest private hospital group in the state.

Mr Prado has led major change programs, delivering transformations to organisational culture, particularly around transparent reporting of performance and investigation of incidents, and delivered a suite of programs to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Mr Skipitaris thanked the four retiring directors and welcomed the new ones. “Our board directors make a huge commitment in providing guidance and support to our management team, and we thank them for their service,” he said.



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