Central Gippsland Health (CGH) is proud to be a part of DonateLife Week from 27 July and will be encouraging people to consider organ and tissue donation to give people needing a transplant a second chance at life.

Each year, DonateLife Week encourages all Australians to register as donors and tell their family and friends they want to be a donor. CGH Chief Executive Officer, Dr Frank Evans, said joining the Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR) gave hope to the 1600 Australians and their families that were currently waiting on the news that a life-saving organ had become available.

CGH will have a display and registration information available throughout the week, and Nurse Donation Specialist, Anne Traill, will be available on Monday 27 July and Wednesday 29 July from 8am – 4pm to assist with any questions people may have.

Registering to be a donor is quick and easy on donatelife.gov.au, taking less than one minute.

“Registration is important because it leaves your family in no doubt of your wish to be an organ and tissue donor,” Dr Evans said.

“In Australia, your family will always be asked to agree to organ donation. Registration on the AODR has a direct influence on family consent rates with nine in 10 families saying ‘yes’ to donation when their loved one was registered.”

Since 2009 more than 13,000 Australians have had their lives saved as a result of an organ transplant. In 2019, 1,444 Australians received a lifesaving transplant through the generosity of 548 deceased organ donors and their families who agreed to donation.

DonateLife Week is led by the Organ and Tissue Authority as part of the National DonateLife campaign and is supported by community events and activities across Australia.


We would like to hear your feedback through the community portal.