Dental Services
Central Gippsland Health Services operates a public dental clinic in Sale, administered by a team of friendly dental professionals.
Our dental clinic is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on all weekdays, except public holidays, and all enquiries may be directed to 03 5143 8130.
The clinic provides a comprehensive range of dental services for eligible adults and children. Including:
• General check-ups
• Extractions
• Root canal treatments
• Dentures
• Crowns
• Emergency care
Who is eligible for public dental?
• Adults with a current Health Care or a Concession Card
• All children aged 12 years old and below
• Children aged 13-17 on a current Health Care or a Concession Card, or recipients of the Child Dental Benefit from Medicare
How does it work?
• Eligible adult patients can add their names to our General Waitlist and will be sent a letter once they have reached the top of the waitlist to access care.
• After completing General Care, eligible adult patients requiring dentures can add their names to our Denture Waitlist and will be sent a letter once they have reached the top of the waitlist to access care.
• Eligible children are booked for the next available appointment.
What are the fees for public dental?
Eligible Adults
• $31 fee per visit, to a maximum of $124 for a general course of care
o Includes an examination and all general dental treatment
• $31 flat fee for an emergency course of care
o Includes assessment and treatment of the tooth, gum or denture that is causing pain
• $74.50 per denture, capped at $149 for full upper and lower dentures.
• There is no fee for children who attend our clinic.
Fee Exemptions
Providers of public dental care do not charge fees to:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
• People who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
• Refugees and asylum seekers
• All people in youth justice custodial care
• People registered with mental health or disability services, supported by a letter of recommendation from their case manager or a special developmental school
• People receiving care from undergraduate students
• People experiencing financial hardship (as assessed by a qualified staff member).