Central Gippsland Health (CGH) is the major provider of health and residential aged care services in the Wellington Shire.
Stretton Park is a community operated not-for-profit residential aged care facility offering both respite and permanent care. It has provided aged care services to the Maffra and district community for more than 40 years.
The goal of Stretton Park is to enable and empower all of its residents and their families to engage in a lifestyle of their choice.
With new plans for the facility re-build, we are sure residents will enjoy the upgraded amenities, ensuring this community asset grows with our ever changing community now and well into the future.
JHF McDonald Wing is co-located at Maffra Hospital and for the last 30 years, has provided a high standard of multidisciplinary care, managing acute and sub-acute care beds, and residential aged care beds.
JHF McDonald Wing offers a homelike, comfortable environment with accommodation choices that maintain independence, dignity, privacy and comfort.
A state-of-the-art cinema room was opened at Maffra District Hospital this year. It is available for aged care residents and their families to use and regular guest speakers and movie nights are always a highlight.
Together, we aim to assist with your transition into residential care and welcome your participation in this process.